Hair Loss in Shower: Should You Worry?
By Tamim Hamid Posted on 01/11/2022

Hair Loss in Shower: Should You Worry?

You’ve noticed hair floating around your shower drain frequently and are wondering if you’re losing hair. Don’t worry; it might not be a cause for concern. Hair shedding is a natural process, but excessive loss can be distressing. It's essential to differentiate between normal shedding and excessive hair loss. On average, individuals lose around 50 to 100 strands of hair daily, including the hair that falls out during showers.

As hairs complete their growth phase, they enter a resting phase (telogen) before falling out and being replaced by new hair. The process is continuous and ensures the renewal of your hair. Normal hair shedding can be influenced by factors like age, genetics, hormonal changes, and overall health.

How Much Hair is Normal to Lose in the Shower?

Losing hair in the shower is a common occurrence, and it’s natural to wonder how much hair loss is considered normal. On average, individuals lose around 50 to 100 strands of hair daily, including hair that falls out during showers. The amount of shedding depends on the length and thickness of the hair; people with shorter or thinner hair tend to shed less, whereas those with long or thick hair could shed between 150 and 200 hairs. However, it varies from person to person and is influenced by various factors, not just hair length or thickness.

During a shower, warm water and shampooing can dislodge loose hairs that are ready to fall out. The wet hair in the shower may make i t seem like a significant amount of hair is being lost, but this doesn’t necessarily indicate excessive hair loss. Additionally, individuals who wash their hair once or twice a week may notice more shedding due to accumulated buildup.

Causes of Hair Shedding in the Shower

If you notice clumps of hair in the shower are larger than usual or coming out in large amounts on your hairbrush, then you have to consider any of these potential underlying causes:

Stress: High levels of physical or emotional stress can disrupt the hair growth cycle, pushing more hair into the shedding phase. Chronic stress may lead to excessive hair shedding in the shower.

Find out more on how high stress can cause hair loss.

Nutritional Deficiencies: If you aren’t taking the proper amount of essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, biotin, and vitamins D and E, it can weaken hair and contribute to increased shedding during showering.

Diet and Hydration: Lack of essential nutrients in the diet can impact the overall health of your hair, making it more prone to shedding. Dehydration can also affect the health of your hair.

Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormone levels, particularly during pregnancy, postpartum, menopause, or as a result of certain medical conditions, can cause increased hair shedding. It also affects the hair growth cycle.

Heat Styling: Excessive use of hot styling tools like straighteners, curling irons, or blow dryers can also cause damage to the hair and increase shedding during washing.

How to Reduce Hair Shedding?

reduce hair shedding

Here are some ways you can incorporate to reduce hair shedding:

Cut down washing and conditioning your hair

Strange it might sound, but you should cut down on washing and conditioning if you can to reduce hair shedding. One to three days a week can be the best option. Also, use a tooth comb to help tame your locks. Using a bristle brush or toothed comb can cause breakage and pull out more hair.

Avoid putting stress on your hair

Avoid pulling and yanking a brush through your hair, and constantly wear a tight ponytail. Whenever you can, leave your hair down as much as possible and also avoid touching it too much and avoid using rubber hair ties.

Avoid heat styling

Heat is really bad for hair when it comes to styling. Blow drying, curling and using flat iron should be used in limit as much as possible. Sun can also damage hair, so you should opt for a hat or avoid prolonged exposure when it’s sunny and you are outdoors.

Eat nutritional diet

Ensure that your diet is rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins essential for healthy hair. Also, drink plenty of water daily to maintain hair hydration and overall health. Proper hydration supports hair elasticity and reduces the risk of excessive shedding.

Maintain stress levels

In order to combat stress, practice stress-relieving techniques such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. Also, engage in regular physical activities to improve overall blood circulation, including to the scalp. A healthy scalp can promote stronger hair and reduce shedding.

Use Theradome for Hair Growth

You can also incorporate the Theradome Laser Hair Helmet into your routine to promote hair growth and reduce shedding. The helmet utilizes low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to stimulate hair follicles, enhance blood flow to the scalp, and encourage thicker, healthier hair. Regular use, combined with a healthy lifestyle and appropriate hair care, can lead to stronger, thicker, and healthier hair.

Ready to reveal your full potential with Theradome's laser helmet? The future of your hair starts here. Act decisively and embrace a tomorrow with flourishing confident locks!


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Tamim Hamid

Tamim Hamid

Inventor and CEO of Theradome

Sayyid Tamim Hamid, Ph.D, is the inventor of the world’s first FDA-cleared, wearable phototherapy device to prevent hair loss and thicken and regrow hair. Tamim, a former biomedical engineer at NASA and the inventor of Theradome, brings with him more than 38 years of expertise in product development, laser technology, and biomedical science. Tamim used his laser knowledge, fine-tuned at NASA, and combined it with his driving passion for helping others pursue a lifelong mission in hair loss and restoration. He is now one of the world’s leading experts.